margo & GoSublime

GoSublime is an IDE-like plugin for Sublime Text 3 mainly, but not limited to, providing integration for most of your Go/Golang development tools.
See migration guide for instructions on how to install GoSublime.

Development of margo & GoSublime is funded by Netlify, Adstage
and generous supporters on Open Collective and Patreon.

Some Features

  • code completion
  • context aware snippets via the code-completion popup
  • sublime build system(ctrl+b) integrating with GoSublime 9o command prompt with live command output
  • lint/syntax check as you type or on save
  • quickly jump to any linter error reported in any open file or package
  • quickly fmt your source or automatically on save to conform with your coding standards
  • easily create a new go file and run it without needing to save it first (9o `replay`)
  • share your snippets (anything in the loaded file) on
  • list declarations in the current file or package
  • automatically add/remove package imports
  • quickly jump your import section(automatically goes to the last import) where you can easily edit the pkg alias and return to where you were before
  • go to definition of a package function or constant, etc.
  • create your own margo extensions in Go to e.g. add context-aware commands to the command palette

Old Demo

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